Sunday, December 16, 2012

Wishful thinking

There's no guarantee that you'll find the one thing missing in your life. And it's just sad, that you have to spend the rest of your life looking for it. The truth is, if you already have found and lost it, it would always find it's way back to you. If not, then pray to God.. He will find a way for you. And now, Let me pray.

Lord, I need to talk to you please. I know and I understand what You're doing for me. Plus, You made me smart, so You should know how, as time and pain molds me to who and what I am now, I would kinda figure out Your plans for us. You're tricky Lord, but I know You love me. I will be patient cos I trust in You. It's just that, this lifetime is too short.. And we're so excited, Riane and I, to spend the rest of our lives with my King. Well, Riane's gona find her own prince too.. But for the meantime, she'll be tagging along with me. So please keep this heart strong for the both of us.

I remember how beasts tore me apart with their foulness before.. Some will still probably try to.. I may need to kiss a lot of frogs too. But I know that when the Volturis come to tear us up, I'd have my very own Edward to protect us. I know Lord, that I'm weak, and can often be too irrational and impulsive. I decide based on fear and I react stupidly on things I thought I understand, but really don't. But when I find him, all these tears are gonna be worth the wait.

I thought I met him already. A couple of times I thought I have. But this one just recently.. I forgot to tell him how much I love him. And as they say "I may have just let the moment pass me by..".

So Lord, in case he doesn't find out. Let him at least know that he is by far the best that ever came along. Let him know that he doesn't have to change, cos he will find someone who will perfectly fit in his life. May he find this lucky girl who'll show her all the happiness and love he deserves. May they live happily ever after.. Just like in the fairy tales. Oh, Lord, You know how I wish it's me. But I think all these fears needs to mellow down a bit first. And perhaps, you could give me my fairy tale too. Dear God, I love him so much. You know he has a good heart. I know he loves You and probably just couldn't say it. He's a good guy. Please take care of him for me. Amen.