Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blank Walls and Lies

I'd rather have lived a beautiful lie than have died embracing an ugly truth. If you've started lying, make sure you don't ever let me know ~Yoshiko

As I walk above a two storey high overpass, I get to appreciate the time shifting schedule I get working in a call centre. Everyday I pass over that bridge over troubled boundaries.. and sometimes, I get to do it alone. Goodness I'm so brave aren't I? Well.. at least I try to be brave. Being all scared with heights and all that.. Whew.. Plus the everyday fact that I'm wearing a 15k watch.. Tagging along a 40k cellphone (hay babe ko kasi eh).. A priceless face (char!).. and An angel waiting for me at home.. Oh, My Dear Lord God is truly good.. He keeps us all away from harm.. from stalkers.. from evil-doers.. Thank You so very much my Lord.

Upon my way home, I was contemplating about so many things.. With all the wind blowing against my skin.. A great sunset view.. All the ambiance makes me think of so many grand thoughts that I couldn't wait to write down.. The funny thing is.. that when I got home.. Sat on this bed.. In front of this machine.. All the excitement to write those thoughts had seemingly vanished.. and so.. just stared at the wall all blank.. Hayy.. I tried to reenact the scene a while back, but all that inspired me is the pink wall behind the laptop and just couldn't write down anything at all.. All that was left out of those grandeur is this feeling that I was a bit keeping inside since I got out from work.. This feeling of mine.. needing to put a halt on my typing skills.. and just poop.. Hehe.. Sorry.. I really have to go run downstairs now....
Hang on..
I'll be back..

What? None of you poops? Good on ya!

I didn't just poop you know.. I know I was out for a couple of hours.. 4 hours to be exact.. Who poops that long dude? I had to attend to my baby too, you know.. play with her.. read stuff online.. Oh, and dinner too.. Hmm.. Play Pet Society.. Read some more.. Mainly tweets.. I read about a post about how it's not his fault to fall in love with someone who's compelled to write down everything.. word per word.. Hmm.. Interesting eh?There's nothing wrong with expressing the heart's thoughts through writings. You can say whatever you want to say.. As long as they're the truth. Hmm.. Wait a sec.. Come to think of it, nothing is really considered a lie.. until one gets caught right? You're then considered a liar when you get caught! Wow..

Read my lips.. or writing..
Former would be giving out a rather very different statement from the actual.
The latter would simply be.. not mentioning it at all.
Two entirely different things which will change the spinning world. We make mistakes and we get caught doing so. Best we can do, is to cushion the blow. Well.. hypothetically.. given a f*ckd up twisted kind of situation.. what I'd do is, I'd avoid making up lies.. I'll try to shut my mouth and won't talk about it for as long as I can.. I'd rather talk my way out of it and omit certain truth.. I would NEVER tell the truth especially if it will destroy someone who matters to me.. Uhh... that's supposed to be on the heavy side though.. On the lighter part, ask me the right question.. and you might get your answer.. (Oo na.. pilosopo na..)

Yes, I'm saying it's okay to lie.. just as long as you don't end up hurting someone. It's like what I always say..
Go ahead and lie you s*ck f*ck-
witt a-h*le scabies..
That's it..
That's what I always say..

I mean, c'mon, sure if it will benefit you and you don't spread lies about others and you won't end up getting caught? Go for it.. The law of nature complies with every action of man.. And we control our lives.. We sell ourselves.. We make who we are.. We are free.. And if you're gonna lie about who you are.. then make it a good lie..
Uhmm.. I hope I made sense right there..

Anyway.. Just be careful though, cos if you meet someone, who has been lied to a million times already, by s*ck f*ck-witt *ssh*le scabies.. then you better be careful.. Cos the moment they found out about it.. I'm telling you man.. All your hard work.. All of your happiness.. All of what you've made of yourself.. It's all history..
Don't be stupid..
That's all I can tell you about lies man.
I hate liars.

Moving on..
I'd say most of what people write down is about how they feel and think of. Well, sure, I'm not that oh-sooo great a writer.. I mean, I write about whatever I want.. and I'm just fine.. Yeah there are some who writes about serious stuff and they get all articulate and really smart sounding with their deep words and all that overrated phoey stuff.. and when what I write about gets close encounters with what these smarty-pants-writers have.. My stuff will just be like.. "Ay.. Eyow phowz.. Hihi.." hahaha! But nonetheless, I'm still so proud of my own.. I'm a kind of my own, you know.. Hmph!

Just a moment ago.. My daughter hit me with my phone right on the forehead.. I couldn't get back at her.. I tried to pinch her but I just couldn't catch her from all of the panic running-around she made after the blow, w/c by the way, I'm still dizzy from. La lang.. Na-share ko lang.. See yah!