Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Funny.. It really hurts.. Amazing isn't it..

Isn't it amazing how you feel every minute of the pain in your body and live with them every other time. How amazing as well are those who stay strong and finds the courage to give out the fakest smile and still gets a little pleasure doing so. It is also so extremely amazing how one deals with pain-staking hours of thinking and getting no answers in the further end.

I per se am crazy laughing about all this pain that I'm feeling right now. Wondering how I could still be so much alive even with this agonizing matters in my DNA which seemingly may kill me...but doesn't. All of them are right inside you and that one can't seem to get control over them..HAHA! Talk about irony.

It's so difficult for us in so many ways and on so many levels and yet, life calls upon us to do it, over and over and over and over and f*cking over and over again. What's that all about? Why? What's the deal? It's crazy isn't it?

Nobody can move on to the new while continuing to cling to the old. Eh, what if one doesn't really want to? Or do we really have to? Can everything just be plain easy. I know for some, it is. But why me? Pain sure knows what victim to attack don't they. Sweet, Loving, Pretty, Little, Skinny, Old, Young me.. =p

We even ask the almighty God, the source of all the love in the universe, to temporarily take away all these feelings we are still stubbornly keeping and give them back when the right one comes along..

I guess letting go is patented for humanity. Time comes in the context of love and romance, when one must learn to let go. For some unlucky little angles, such as yours truly, we must let go of a bitter sweet and romantic relationship. Maybe the relationship was not meant to be AFTER ALL.. perhaps it was hurtful, perhaps it was hindering the personal or spiritual growth of either parties.

There may be feelings of hesitations and a lot more passion and love still left in our hearts.. We may be cynical about it and as if it may seem so weakening to just even think about it.. we must be strong and brave enough to accept.. NO! not accept.. face our biggest fears of f*cking LETTING GO.. Letting go of something that is extremely unhealthy for our divine selves.

To be continued.. Naiiyak ako eh.. hehe.. can't help the tears fall down my pretty cheeks.. Maya ulet.. Papa okay lang ako.. Smile.. God is good..