Thursday, February 4, 2010

Just a bit perked up

On LiFe's jOurNey..FaiTh iS nOuriShmEnT.. ViRtuOus DeEds aR a sHeLtEr.. wIsdOm iS d LiGhT bY dAy aNd rIghT mIndFuLnEs iS d pRoTecTioN bY nIghT. If mAn LivEs a PuRe LiFe..nOthIng cAn dEsTroY hIm. ~> Buddha<~

♥I believe in this. I know this. So beautiful. This is me. Got to start pulling myself back together. Very true Buddha. Will start working on it. Right away sir. Great.. Feeling so good. Excited to start over. I'm so ready. BabyLove, we'll make it.. just you and I.. we're in this together.. I love you baby.. I'll take care of us♥