Monday, September 27, 2010

Thinking about you

When ye'r tempted to lose heart cos love hasn't yet found you..
Remember: Your next "Hello!" could lead to "I do." or maybe "Goodbye.." no one really knows actually.. The great thing, about not knowing though, is the joy of every waking day brings you and the passion along with it.. realizing in a timely manner, how everything happens for a reason.. until one day.. one can finally say.. "I did well.."

Inspired and happy, I guess.. I just couldn't help myself from floating.. And did you ever get that feeling when you just want to shout out the name of a person.. real loud and just.. get your b*tt up and run to wherever the person is and just hug em real tight and then kiss the sanity out of each other afterwards.. and I mean like.. Grrrrrr!!!! Raarrrrr!!!!
Ughh!! Hahaha!!

I miss em so much.. There's none that I wish for, but all of who and what the person is and has..

Just when you thought you couldn't ask for more,
Someone would come knocking at your door.
Even with all the iron walls fencing your being,
This certain hazard will turn into your liking.
Suddenly hearing yourself hum a different kind of tune
Day dreaming about the crazy month of June
Is there a chance that nothing should go wrong
For I am smiling uncontrollably all day long
Yes, I have been happy too quite a lot of times before,
But all crashed into a pit hauling an uneven score
Amidst all of the pain and betrayal,
One needn't hunger for approval.
For at the end of every day,
Your heart will simply just say..

Everything feels so good."
*and it does, doesn't it?*

Whenever you take a glance on something that could be
You wonder if it is real or just a silly fantasy
For something so great couldn't possibly exist
And somehow your heart makes it hard to resist.
All the magic unfolding at each and every rhyme
Are all the happiness that couldn't cost a dime.
I am worried and keyed up all at the same time,
Cos something so ecstatic may somehow be a crime.
I can not say it is true love just yet,
Though, being limerent is somehow close to it, I bet.
Luck, if you will look at it and see
It’s all just meant to be, if you’ll ask me
Who would have thought I would get by like this
Anxiously waiting for that next passionate kiss
Blessed, I deem my heart and my whole self
No longer placed on an empty dusty shelf
For a new chapter has begun in my life’s blank pages
So for an untold love story can begin its stages.