Thursday, January 29, 2009


Watched The Moment Of Truth earlier. A game show where in one sits in a chair and asked with random questions picked from the result of a lie-detector exam whatever the contestant previously had. The contestant then answers the questions truthfully and in front of people of much importance to him/her. They say questions are tricky.. Wooh..

Creepy show ain't it? Even the word HONESTY is pretty much.. vie-hery creepy.

Hmm.. Well.. It can be great though.. Especially when you have people who don't need it. I can very much conclude that honesty is used by selfish people.. Either for redemption or for useless self-realizations. Honesty is as worse as Lies.. Come to think of it.. They are actual buddies.. The first can't exist without the other.. Haha..

You know what I think? I think we should wipe out those two, can't go on smoothly having them around diba? Pathetic my point of views may seem.. Eh bakit ba.. I'm just being...... Hmm.. Open.. Doesn't sound right either.. Can't be honest.. Cos then it would mean there are intentions for lies.. Can't tell the truth.. Cos then it would mean one's been giving out false info all along.. I am just confusing myself.. patawa noh..

Truth is.. (hmm..??)
To cut the commentaries short.. (can't do that..let's try..)

Let me tell you this..

It is easy for some to voice out a statement which may be pleasing to other's sense of hearing.. some may possibly be untrue (flattery perhaps?).. they are adored and idolized for some freakishly-unfair reasons you know. On the other side of the world, there are people who aren't actually good at voicing out the grandest statement they could ever think of, which tends to make them look foolish. Take me for example.. silly little pa mali-mali.. People who knows me enough, could spot if I'm lying.. It's amazing really, how they can actually tell. That's why I'm not very much comfortable when I am being cornered. I itch from the inside.. I can't really control it.. That's why I try not to speak.. I try not to lie.. Cos whenever I do.. Seems like I'm betraying myself.. Honesty..I don't like that word.. I'm not so thrilled with such use of the word.. The world is full of lies anyway.. Why would I even bother.. right..

NOTE: Since I am a good protector and all.. I tend to jump up to another level whenever I protect people who matters.. kaya.. eyun.. Loyalty might be in question here.. Wag isali yun.. Honesty and Loyalty are not within the same level.. Kaya.. hmm.. eyun lang..

Moving on..

How would Roan define the word HONESTY without looking at a dictionary.. Check it out..
HoNeStY - conveying truth from within one's persona.. not the context nor the actual fact.. but what the heart and mind actually agree upon that the physique may actually tend to contain......

Wanna share something really honest..

I don't have any problems.. I'm not asking for any though.. hehe.. Being troubled by the situation people around me are putting themselves into.
I'm in a state of undefined carefree expression wherein I don't actually have a clue of what to do next. Haha.. Need to spice up my life..

He will guide me.. I know.. Stand-by lang daw muna ko..